(HGT) Hazardous Goods Training


Day 1 : Defensive Driving

  •   Questionnaire
  •   Cause of Accidents
  •   Accidents Statistics
  •   Driver's Personal Fitness
  •   Car Condition
  •   Braking Distance
  •   Highway Driving
  •   Road/Pedestrian Crossing
  •   Railway Crossing
  •   Adapting to Weather
  •   Head-On Collision
  •   Rear-End Collision
  •   Night Driving
  •   Films & Discussion
Special Trainings Image

Day 2 : Advanced Driving Skills & Training

Before Starting
  •   Check List
  •   Outside / Below / Near Vehicle
  •   Product Side
  •   Inside Vehicle
During Driving
  •   Correct Speed / Gear
  •   Signalling
  •   Lane Control
  •   Overtaking / Giving Side
  •   Speed Limit / Safe Distance
  •   Driving on Slopes
Before Stopping
  •   Safe Stopping Place
  •   Signalling
  •   Road Width Condition
After Stopping
  •   Preventing Vehicle Movement
  •   Wheel Clocks
  •   Vehicle Attendence
Night Driving
  •   Mandatory Lighting Requirements
  •   Headlamp Alignment
  •   Use of Dipped Beam
Field Test Training
  •   One driver at a time
Product Safety
UN Panel
  •   UN Classification
  •   Hazchem Code
  •   Toxicity, Flammability
Product Information
  •   Tremcards
  •   CIS / MSDS
  •   Importance of Tempreature, Pressure & Level
  •   Explosive Limit
  •   Knowledge About Equipments
Emergency Procedure
  •   Communication
  •   Spillage Funding
  •   Use of PPE
  •   Fire Fighting
  •   First Aid
  •   Toxic Release Control
  •   Protection of Wells, Rivers, Lakes etc.
  •   Use of Protective Equipments
  •   Knowledge About Values etc.
Register Your Interest